I jumped a tax-bracket.

August 8, 2008 at 11:34 am (Personal, Work) (, )

Yuppie = Me.

And I love it.

I’ve been temping at a lovely little development for the past 8 months, dilligently working away at whatever tasks they gave me. I noticed as the months wore on that little by little, more responsibility was being given to me, which I took as a sign that I was becoming a genuine cog in this crazy machine. Lo and behold…

I got my offer letter.

They consider me a “talent,” or so they say, so they’ve offered me an actual administrative assistant position with the company. Not only does it come with a lot more money, but it also comes complete with a full benefits package (health and dental, vacation time, 401k, all that good stuff)! The best thing of all? It won’t impact my artistic life in any negative way… I still have ALL my evenings and weekends off, and now I’ll actually be able to take a day or two off here and there with pay to make that time count!

Good things come to those who wait (and know when to play their cards). Don’t believe me? Listen to Kenny Rogers:

You got to know when to hold em’
Know when to fold em’
Know when to walk away, and know when to run…
You never count your money
When you’re sittin’ at the table
They’ll be time enough for countin’… when the dealin’s done.

I’m comin’ up aces, Kenny. Word.

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